How was HOPE587 established?
Anneli is the president of HOPE587 and she was also the one who founded the organization. Here you can read her story and why she chose to start HOPE587:
I usually say that I was born a very privileged child. I had everything I would need to get a good upbringing! My friends were amazing and I often wanted to go to school because I loved being in class. As I got older, it eventually became time to switch schools and I moved from the small city school to the larger community school.
I had a tough time as I tried to adjust to my new situation. I remember one day when I was made fun of in front of the entire class and how I at that moment felt like an insecure and afraid little girl caught in a situation I could not handle. So thereafter, I promised myself that I would never go back to school again because I never wanted to feel so stupid again. I started skipping school and did so throughout eighth grade, ninth I never even entered.
When I was 16, I met the love of my life and two years later our first child was born. The day she came to us was the happiest in my life! The following year we had another little girl and I loved being at home with my children, it truly was a wonderful nice time. But after a while, a great emptiness began to sneak into everyday life. My self-confidence and my self-esteem were a disaster and I was feeling that I was not good enough.
Thereafter, a journey signed both joy and sorrow followed. Then came September 6, 1988. The day that would forever change my life. It was this day I prayed for to a God I was not sure existed. I asked for help and at that moment my feeling of not being good enough disappeared. The big black hole inside me was filled with security and love.
Ten years later, a cold January day I sat on my kitchen sofa and thoughts were spinning in my mind. My three children were now starting to grow up and it was time for me to start working again. Within me, there was a very strong feeling that God was seeking my attention for my decision to seek employment. Since I was a little, I felt great empathy with those who are sick and poor but I had never done anything directly to help. I thought like so many others that "they can do that". Now the question echoed in me: Who are the others? And what does it have to do with me?
It was nine o'clock in the morning when I prayed to God for help. I said that if you truly want my attention, you must convince me to 100%. Then suddenly the phone rang and when I answered, I met the voice of an unknown man. He presented himself as Stig and said that we had been to the same congregation meeting last fall. I did not remember him and so, of course, I wondered why he was calling me. The man went to silence for a short while, took a deep breath and then he said: "I have a message for you. Can you please get your Bible? Look up Isaiah's book, chapter 58 and verse 7. I opened my Bible and Stig started to read:
"Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?”
After reading this Bible verse for me, he said thank you and goodbye and we hung up the phone. I sat there quietly and the tears slowly came running down my cheeks. I do not know to this day who the man that called me that day is, but I know he dared to call me and deliver a greeting from God. After that conversation, I started helping in Ukraine and over the years many poor children have been aided. For 14 years, I worked non-profit through a small assembly to build up an organization called Help to Ukraine. The work grew and my prayer to God was that he would send more people who are burning for the same vision. The result became an independent organization with its own board and a name change to HOPE587.
The power of God's salvation is amazing, and by seeing myself through Jesus eye's I know that I am loved for who I am. I truly believe that I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. HOPE587 is the result of this. Jesus himself says He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Now I work three days a week as a teacher at a high school where I train assistant nurses and one day a week I run my own business. Remaining time, I still work non-profit with HOPE587. It is my vision and passion to continue to live out Isaiah 58: 7, which is a call to all of us - to share our abundance with those who are hungry and to open up our hearts and homes to those who are helpless, outcast and poor.
HOPE587 wants to convey hope to our world through humanity and faith in Jesus. The number 587 is a symbol for the Bible verse from Isaiah 58:7
/ Anneli Johnsson
Anneli, founder och president.
Anneli at one of the trips to Zambia.
HOPE587 was established in 1999 and is a charity organization based in Sweden with operations in Ukraine and Zambia.
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