The membership fee is 100 SEK, which is approximatly 12,5 $ per year. It only takes about two minutes to register.
If you want to become a member, please use the following bank information:
IBAN: SE63 8000 0800 6900 3144 7139
Do not forget to write a message "member and your name".
You committo pay $ 10 to become a member for one year. After a year has passed you will receive a request to renew your membership for the next year. Through your membership you join a large group that changes the world for the better.
In the letter, the following information should be included:
• First name and last name
• Address
• Postal code and city
• Phone number
• Email
• Year of birth
We will send a confirmation to you as soon as we can!
HOPE587 was established in 1999 and is a charity organization based in Sweden with operations in Ukraine and Zambia.
Enter your email address here and you will receive an e-mail with our latest missions and projects, stories and tips on how to contribute in a way that suits you.
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