Hunger. The term hunger is used to describe different precursors to a famine disaster. Right now there is famine in Zambia. The children we help with schooling are affected together with their classmates and families and in the coming months the need will be most acute due to the drought that caused the harvests to fail. When the new harvest arrives, the most acute food shortage is reduced. This is no earlier than three months.
We just started a school project and a week ago we reconnected with our partner Harold and he told school uniforms are purchased and the children have been able to start school. At the same time, he tells us that the situation has become acute in terms of hunger. The need for school remains, but the children almost have no food, at best they live on a meal every third day.
We have started an emergency effort with a form of soup kitchen at school in the next months. The cost is about 75 cents for one meal a day per child.
A thousand children will each school day for about three months receive a meal.
Food for families in famine
There is also an urgent need to help two hundred families in the villages for about three months. The monthly cost is about USD 35 per month and family.
We are a fairly small non-profit organization facing a major task, so now we appeal to you who read this to help us give the children and families food for a time to come.
HOPE587 was established in 1999 and is a charity organization based in Sweden with operations in Ukraine and Zambia.
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